Are Big Infotainment Screens and Advanced Safety Aids Driving Us to Distract?

Are Big Infotainment Screens and Advanced Safety Aids Driving Us to Distract?

Big infotainment screens and big screens on advanced safety aids are making driving a difficult task, and older drivers in particular may find it challenging to concentrate. These devices are supposed to make our lives easier, but many older drivers report being distracted by finicky voice command features and complicated menus. Older drivers are more likely to be distracted by the screen, taking four to eight seconds longer to complete the same operation.

Driver assistance systems can be distracting, especially when they provide large amounts of information. A GPS can be a good thing, as long as the user is aware of the system’s capabilities. Other systems can be used like radios – as long as they’re within the safe zone of the driver. But driver distraction can lead to serious accidents and injuries. These technologies need to be developed and deployed more quickly to keep up with the dynamic automotive marketplace.

Confusing driver assistance systems are those that offer a lot of information, especially at a time when you need it. As long as the user is aware of the system’s capabilities, a GPS device may be beneficial. Radios and other devices can be used as long as they are in the driver’s safe zone. However, driving while distracted can cause fatal accidents and severe injuries. For these technologies to stay up with the rapidly changing automobile market, they must be developed and implemented more swiftly.
